EURECA-PRO: ΤUC Team Launches a New Local Website and a Podcast Series

A screenshot from the new website at TUC

All events and activities organized by EURECA-PRO, The European University for Responsible Consumption and Production, can now be accessed via a brand new website hosted locally at the Technical University of Crete, one of the 9 EURECA-PRO partners:

On this new website, a microsite in fact, you can find information about EURECA-PRO, open calls for mobility and research fellowship programs, announcements for lectures, seminars, study programs and short courses, current news, but most importantly all EURECA-PRO activities taking placing locally at TUC or being organized by TUC, as well as audiovisual highlights from past EURECA-PRO events at TUC.

In addition, the new website provides access to all episodes of a newly launched podcast series, titled TUC's EURECA-PRO Podcast, which aims to highlight the multifaceted research, educational and training work carried out within EURECA-PRO:

Each episode of the podcast series is entirely in English, as it is directed to the wider scientific community of EURECA-PRO. It includes interviews, discussions and presentations by EURECA-PRO students, as well as leading professors and researchers from the partner universities of EURECA-PRO. The episodes are curated and produced by Dr. Maria Papadomanolaki (Mobility and Dissemination Coordinator of the EURECA-PRO TUC team) in collaboration with students, faculty members and the wider EURECA-PRO community.

In the first episode of the series, Sotiris Fanourgiakis, scientific collaborator of the PCCP Lab at TUC, interviews Dr. Dimitrios Meimaroglou, Associate Professor at ENSIC (University of Lorraine, France) on how Chemical Engineering can be combined with the constantly evolving fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Check it out!