EURECA-PRO: Online Lecture Series 2024 on "Energy Transition"

EURECA-PRO (The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production) is starting the 5th free online lecture series consisting of 14 lectures presented by leading professors and researchers. The general topic of the series is Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals with emphasis on Responsible Consumption and Production.

The specific topic of the upcoming winter semester 2024 series is "Energy Transition", illustrated by the following thematic areas:

  • EU Green Deal and energy transition
  • Infrastructure for energy transition
  • Energy markets
  • Energy technologies
  • Transition strategies
  • Materials for energy transition
  • Environmental impacts

This lecture series will be presented by leading professors and researchers of nine European universities from eight countries.

The lectures are open to all students, researchers and academic staff inside and outside EURECA-PRO.

For more information and to register please follow this link: