EURECA-PRO I&E Course | Lecture 03 | 30.03.2022, 14:00 EET | Internal Environment

The Technical University of Crete, in the context of EURECA-PRO, the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production, organizes a free online course on "Innovation & Entrepreneurship", consisting of a series of 14 lectures presented by leading professors and researchers of seven European universities from six countries. The goal is to nurture students and scientific staff in creative and innovative thinking by providing practical knowledge, skills and competences in business and market basics, offering business plan orientation, and promoting problem-solution thinking and leadership skills.

The 3rd lecture of the series is titled

Internal Environment

and will be delivered by

Dr. Aneta Aleksander
Silesian University of Technology, Poland

on the following date/time

March 30, 2022 | 14:00 EET (13:00 CET)

More information about this lecture is shown below. The full schedule of the series is attached at the end of this post. To register for the course, please visit this page.


The internal environment of an organization determines its development opportunities, ability to respond to emerging external factors and the potential to take advantage of the opportunities that appear in the external environment. During the lecture, elements of the internal environment will be presented and discussed, including members of the organization, organizational culture and internal factors such as goals, mission, vision and value system, organizational structure, as well as infrastructure and technology.

Short Bio

Dr. Aneta Aleksander is an Assistant Professor at the Silesian University of Technology, Department of Management, Organisation and Management Faculty. Her scientific interests focus in the area of economics and management, especially corporate identity building, crisis management, leadership and marketing activities in Industry 4.0. Additionally, as an expert in the Upper Silesian Accelerator for Commercial Enterprises Ltd., she provides her advisory services in the area of internationalization of SMEs, organization of brokerage events and company missions, drafting and supervising company’s profiles in the Enterprise Europe Network Partnership Opportunities Database.