RE-EURECA PRO Pilot Action: online Startup Coffee Event | April 4th, 2024 @ 19.00 – 20.30 (Athens time)

Dear entrepreneurs, innovators, "startuppers", researchers, students, professors,

we are excited to invite you to the first “Startup Coffee Event” of the RE-EURECA PRO project.

A Startup Coffee Event that includes all viewpoints and aims at sharing news and information about startups and their successes, failures and challenges.

Connect with peers around Europe, expand your network and have fun!

It's free and it’s online.


Join us on April 4th (19.00 – 20.30 Athens time) at:

Meeting ID: 926 1455 0697

Password: 958586



Welcome: Ms. Virginia Alizioti, Project Management, TUC
                    Ms. Aga Kosciuszko, Project Management Lead RE-EURECA-PRO, MUL

Section 1: The joint alliance innovation ecosystem, Prof. Panayiotis Partsinevelos, TUC (5 minutes)

Section 2: Startups in Greece: Legal, administrative risks and challenges, Ms. Popi Daskalaki, “Women Do Business” (10 minutes)

Section 3: European funding opportunities,  Ms. Ana Patricia Fanjul head of the  "Community-Led Local Development" project / ULE (10 minutes)

Section 4: Pitching session, introduction of start-ups (20-30 minutes)

Section 5: Open meetups in breakout rooms or private chats between participants, (10 minutes)

Section 6:  “Say less to get more” (5 minutes)

Section 7: Evaluation and input through an electronic questionnaire, (5 minutes), (Ms. Christina Brempou, project management, TUC)

Closing remarks (2 minutes)

Working language: English

Contact: valizioti<at>


The online Startup Coffee Event takes place in the context of the WP8 Pilot Actions of the RE-EURECA PRO project, which is led by the Technical University of Crete.