Highlights from the University of Lorraine's visit to TUC

On the 26th and the 27th of June 2024, the EURECA-PRO Team at the Technical University of Crete (TUC) had the pleasure to welcome the delegation of the University of Lorraine in an atmosphere of fruitful cooperation for a series of presentations as well as discussions with members of the academic community.

The planned visit took place in the context of the participation of both institutions as partners in the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production (EURECA-PRO) with the aim of further cooperation between the two universities at research and teaching level and the expansion of mobility opportunities between them.

The EURECA-PRO team of TUC welcomed the members of the delegation of the University of Lorraine, more specifically:

  • Stéphanie Gallaire (Head of the International Relations Office of ENSEM - Electrical, Energy, Mechanical Engineering)

  • Carolina Cappella (Deputy Director the International Relations Office of ENIM- Mechanical, Automated Manufacturing)

  • Angélique Duboisson (International Mobility Coordinator of Telecom - Computer Science Information)

  • Irina Panfilova (Head of the International Relations Office of ENSG: Geology - Mineral Resources Engineering, Professor and Head of the Department of Reservoir Engineering and Hydrodynamics)

  • Nicole Bunting (Head of the International Relations Office of Polytech - Electrical, Energy, Mechanical Computer, Service Engineering)

  • Laetitia Bresson (Director of Economic and International Development of INP - Collégium Des Écoles D' Ingénieurs)

  • Karl Tombre (Vice-President for European and International Strategy)

  • Benoit Grasser (Vice President of Science Policy and Human Resources Management)

  • Aude Perrot (Head of Development of International Research and Innovation Programmes)

  • Maxime Raty (Indicative Pilot Studies and Rankings)

  • Suzanne Collin (Director of Studies, Telecom)

The first day of the program began with a presentation of the Technical University of Crete by Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. Konstantinos-Alketas Ouggrinis to the members of the delegation, which was followed by open to public presentations of the University of Lorraine and the individual faculties of INP, the College that includes all the Schools of Engineering of the University of Lorraine. The presentations were attended by members of the TUC Community with great interest in person and online. The first day ended with dinner in the venetian harbor area of the old town, where the guests enjoyed local dishes.

Please feel free to watch the University of Lorraine's presentations for students and for academic staff.

The second day focused on bilateral meetings between members of the delegation and faculty members from the five TUC Schools, where common frameworks of research interests and possible collaborations were thoroughly and substantially discussed.

It is worth adding that Associate Professor Dimitrios Meimaroglou, Director of International Collaborations of the School of Chemical Engineering (ENSIC) of the University of Lorraine, preceded the delegation with an online lecture on June 4th and an on-site visit at TUC on June 11, 2024, where he met with the EURECA-PRO team, the TUC Rector, Prof. Michail Zervakis, the Dean of the School of CEE, Prof. Dionysia Kolokotsa, as well as Prof. Noni Maravelaki of the School of Architecture and Prof. Michail G. Lagoudakis of the School of ECE. He also visited the TUC Erasmus Office, as well as the facilities of the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Processes at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, where he was guided and talked with the Director of the lab, Prof. Ioannis Yentekakis.

More photographs from the visits can be viewed by following this link.

Finally, on the occasion of his online lecture, Dr. Meimaroglou was interviewed by TUC graduate and scientific collaborator of the Physical Chemistry and Chemical Processes Lab, Mr Soritis Fanourgiakis and the conversation formed the first (pilot) episode of the EURECA-PRO TUC Podcast series. You can listen to it at the following link: https://www.eurecapro.tuc.gr/en/podcasts